Fashion for Men – The Secret Behind Retrosexual and Metrosexual

by fashionblog

Fashion is a term that men usually do not associate with themselves. Men prefer to think that being well-dressed is for women only, and they can be excused for being shabby. But that is not true.

That there are basic two types of fashion for men – retrosexual and metrosexual – is now a well known fact. So, what are these two words and how do they define a man’s personality?

Both metrosexual and retrosexual are terms that are linked with men and fashion. Retrosexual is a term associated with those types of men who do not like to spend much time behind their appearance, and would rather prefer an unkempt look than the proper and well balanced appearance. Think of Hugh Jackman in “Australia” and “X-Men” and you know what it actually means.

It is again fashion that terms men as metrosexual. Try to recall David Beckham and Ben Affleck. Their suave style, well-groomed appearance, impeccable etiquettes – they all add up to give the final package of a top class metrosexual man. Metrosexual men pride in their luxurious habit of taking good care of themselves. They do not shy away from men’s spas, or good tailors. Fashion for metrosexual men is a pride which they enjoy with élan.

For men who are not celebrities, the distinction between metrosexual and retrosexual is not that stark. They have a limited wardrobe and need to keep themselves in fashion with those limited number of clothes. However, that is not as tough a task as it may sound. The basic characteristics of retrosexual fashion are that it is rugged and macho. Think the clothes of Abercrombie & Fitch, their clothes have an earthy tone and look that goes really well for the retrosexual fashion. Ralph Lauren could also do the trick for you. Their sporty look is apt to get the retrosexual look in without any effort. And for those who actually do not like to spend time for the maintenance of their looks, these brands give the effortless comfort and style, all at once.

Metrosexual look is neat and clean. It needs something more polished and subtly glossy, but not in girly colors. Burberry and Lacoste t-shirts would give it to you without the worry of spending a fortune or any compromise in the quality. The metrosexual look usually requires a little attention to details, like the colors and the cut. Colors like brown, rust or grey are not suitable for the metrosexual look. Do not worry if you are having a few of those in your closet. You can use them when you feel like not being too attentive, the days on which you feel retrosexual!

Trust somewhat bright shades when you want to get the metrosexual look. Shades of orange, mauve, blue, and green go well if you are the metrosexual type. Even pink is no longer considered a “girly” color, and once you carry pink with confidence, it will be as fashionable as any other color.

Men have a common notion that fashion and changing trends are only for women. But men need to keep in mind that even they need to have a minimum care for their clothes; else all they will be left with would be some drab clothes and no admirers.

Cheap original Burberry t-shirts and other famous brands are available in shops.

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